Atalaya: desde la tela de araña

Cultura en la red, reflexiones, relatos, tutoriales y paridas diversas

#seminarioVida Mesa redonda con Rolf Pfeiffer y Gusz Eiben

2012-11-15 11:20 Mi preguntas para la mesa redonda en el seminario internacional de vida artificial. Haré las que pueda, no necesariamente por ese orden. Si se os ocurre alguna, ponedla en comentarios y trataré de hacérsela a Gusz y Rolf.
  1. If life or life-like robots are eventually created, will they be open source?
  2. Philosophy vs. Pragmatism. Look: life can be made vs. Check this out: this work. Alife is science with a point, and a bit of hubris on the side. How important are those philosophical aspects in your work?
  3. Imitating life texture vs. Imitating life processes or narrative. What's the way to go? Is it better to design or evolve real stuff?
  4. The uncanny valley: almost, but not quite, life-like. Is a real hurdle? Will dissapear in time?
  5. Physical substrate of life: only way for flexible robotics or for creating artificial life? If so, at what level? Macro or micro?
  6. Human-in-the-loop: so many people interacting with digital artifacts, will autonomous artificial life be eventually an Internet creature? A physical creature that has been designed, in part or all, by humans? The creature of a million parents?
  7. John Maynard Smith, “complexity is a fact-free science” (as quoted by John Horgan). Prophetic words or a fact-free attack debunked in the latest 17 years?
  8. The intelligence “singularity” will happen when machines become more intelligent than persons. If life is evolved in vivo or vitro, will we (or somebody) experience a “life” singularity as super-organisms are created?
  9. Evolution as an universal law. How far can nature-inspiration go? I have seen mob optimization algorithm, bee colony, Frankenstein algorithms... and, well, the “orgy” operator. Is there much more of that to come?

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